Tuesday, 20 April 2010

Planning Radio Advertisement

To create a radio broadcast you need software with different layers like image manipulation software e.g. Macromedia Fireworks or Adobe Photoshop but in a digital sound sense, where you record and edit different sounds on different layers.

The hardware I look to use is an iMac because it has an application on there called garage band where you can record songs, soundtracks, podcasts and other digital sound files. I will be using the podcast function to record my radio broadcast because there will be a lot of narrative included within the broadcast, the only thing that will be different is that the radio broadcast I create will not be streamed through radio stations and LIVE.

Within a radio broadcast you would use a range of digital sounds to create your final radio advertisement. The digital sounds you would use would be jingles which may be to create an “un-silent” break so the audience can listen to a sound that breaks up the two pieces of narrative from before and after rather then having just a silence of a couple of seconds. Secondly you might include some sort of music, instrument or soundtrack that may be used to advertise a person who wrote/sang the song, used to advertise the popularity of the song or could just be a link to the news story that has come before or followed after the music.

Another form of sound that can be used is sound effects. These can be sounds that you have purposely made to create an effect or you could have inserted after to change the mood or feeling of that particular part of the advertisement. Again it can also be used to link in with the story being told.

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